Polish Crystallographic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences and
Polish Crystallographic Association and
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research PAS
cordially invite you to
57 Polish Crystallographic Meeting (57 Konwersatorium Krystalograficzne)
on 24-26 June 2015 (Wednesday to Friday)
General Meeting, Scientific Session and Workshop of
Polish Crystallographic Association
on 24, 26 June 2015 (Wednesday and Friday),
that will be held in Wrocław (Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research – Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN, Okólna street 2).
Internet page of 57 Polish Crystallographic Meeting and Polish Crystallographic Association Scientific Session and Workshop: http://intibs.pl/kk2015/.
E-mail address for correspondence: konwersatorium@int.pan.wroc.pl