Polish Crystallographic Association has been established by 26 Founding Members in 2006 in Cracow (see ‘History’). Currently it gathers 97 members coming from many Polish scientific centers.
The society goal is to support scientific research that use crystallographic methods as well as to promote public understanding and acknowledgment of crystallography (see Statute).
We would like the current updated society website to become a lively platform helpful in both: scientific activity and popularization of crystallography. The feedback from the members is thus of principal value. We ask for any suggestion, corrections and ideas. Submission of materials interesting to the community and/or info heralding important events are most welcome. All the discussion messages (sent to sekretarz@ptkryst.org.pl) we shall publish on the linked webpage facilitating exchange of viewpoints. All people interested in crystallography are welcome – not only members.
The Society pages are open to educational and popularizing materials concerning crystallographic methods. Authors, when using other person material, are asked to consider copyright.
The annual regular membership fee : 40.-PLN (Polish zloty)
The annual discount fee for students : 20.-PLN (Polish zloty)
Please transfer the membership fee to the PCA account:
ul. Gronostajowa 2, 30-387 Kraków
Account number 12 1240 5527 1111 0010 6880 2737
with note: membership fee for 20XX year
Web administration by:
- Jarosław Chojnacki, jaroslaw.chojnacki@pg.edu.pl
- Zbigniew Kaszkur, zbig@ichf.edu.pl