First of all we provide (with permittion of the Editing Commity and its head Prof. Marek Główka) “Polish – English Dictionary of crystallographic terms 2003”. It comes as the PDF file which translates in polish: “SŁOWNIK terminów krystalograficznych 2003”.
It is continuation of effords made by prof. Bojarski, prof. Łaszkiewicz and prof. Łukaszewicz (polish-engish-russian; Polsko-angielsko – rosyjski 1970), and initiative of prof. Łukaszewicz (English-Polish; angielsko-polski 1990) And is an extention of them. To the workup of the glossary many people have contributed (they are listed in the Preface in polish) who have done their job without getting any financial support for the work. We are grateful to them for their job and thank them for the permittion to free access of wide audience to the dictionary.
Dictionary contains about 2400 terms. The internet serchable version has been developed by Jarosław Chojnacki on the basis of the written version mentioned above. This is available in separate submenu items.
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